Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12 + Keygen

3 - Net Monitor for Employees Professional adalah software yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat aktivitas dari PC lain yang terhubung ke jaringan anda. Dengan cara ini Anda dapat mengamati apakah yang dilakukan PC yang lain! Selain itu, Anda juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengambil kendali dari PC yang lain dengan mengendalikan mouse dan keyboard PC tersebut. Anda dapat merekam layar PC tersebut, bahkan ketika Anda tidak memantau PC tersebut. Software ini sangat cocok untuk pengusaha/instasi yang memiliki jaringan berbagai komputer. Seperti warnet dan lab. Software ini sangat berguna bagi anda. Oleh sebab itu, langsung saja anda download Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12 berserta keygen Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro .

Bila Anda membutuhkan perhatian Anda dapat mengirim pesan kepada karyawan dan / atau mengunci komputer remote. Komunikasi menggunakan enkripsi. Aplikasi bekerja melalui Internet, LAN, WLAN atau VPN. Agen dapat jarak jauh diinstal.

Net Monitor for Employees Professional
Feautures Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12 :
[spoiler]What is it useful for?
* For monitoring and recording your employees activities on a remote computers
* For preventing internet browsing on remote computers
* For starting and stopping applications and processes on remote computers.
* For monitoring students in the classroom to achieve better discipline or, just to assist them when they are in trouble (by using the remote control feature).
* For administrating all computers just from one location – your computer.
* For presenting your screen to students.
* For locking students computers while they are waiting for further instructions or assignments.
* Helping your students by showing your desktop to them.
* Turning off, restarting, .... remote computers with one click.

What are the major benefits of using Net Monitor for Employees Professional?
* Installation and use of the application is very easy since all of the functions can be accessed with a few mouse clicks.
* You have complete control over what remote users are doing.
* This application provides you with a live picture of the remote computer screens. The live screen (due to some optimizations) does not use a high bandwidth, but even when the lower network bandwidth is required the refresh interval can be enlarged using one mouse click.
* You can make the presentation by showing your live screen to students
* Application allows you to take over the remote computer by controlling its mouse and keyboard.
* The remote computers´ screens are represented in the table with a customizable number of rows as thumbnails.
* Using this application, you can always see which user is actually logged on to the remote computer.
* Schedule remote computers desktop recording to AVI files
* Execute several actions on all remote computers with on click
* Block internet access

Main Features:
* Displaying a live picture of a remote computer.
* You can take control of a remote computer by controlling its mouse and keyboard.
* More remote screens can be displayed in a table.
* Computers can be organized in computer groups (e.g. classrooms)
* A remote screen can be zoomed to an actual size.
* The name of the connected user is displayed.
* Record remote computers screens to AVI files.
* Show your desktop to students
* Power off, restart, hibernate, suspend remote computers
* Log off desktop users
* Lock workstation
* Control screensaver
* Block internet
* Multi-monitor support
* Control over running processes
* You can lock selected remote computers
* You can display a message on selected remote computers.
* When lower bandwidth is required, the refresh interval can be enlarged.
* Automatic connection to a remote computer is optional.
* Settings for the agent are encrypted and password protected.
* Connection to a remote computer is password protected.
* Access to monitoring the console is password protected. If more users use the same computer, different profiles and access passwords can be set.
* More monitoring consoles can be connected to the same remote computer - you can monitor your students from different locations.
* Application can optionally use encrypted communication.
* Agent can be remotely installed.
* Fast users switching is supported.[/spoiler]

Cara Aktivasi Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12 :

  1. Install Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12

  2. Jangan di jalankan dulu Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12

  3. Matikan antivirus dan internet

  4. Jalankan keygen untuk mendapatkan serial numbernya, dan masukkan serial numbernya ke Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12

  5. Selesai.

Download :

Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro 4.9.12 + Keygen - 13.7 MB
PutLocker | 180Upload | BillionUploads

Only Keygen Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro - 412 KB
PutLocker | 180Upload | BillionUploads

Note :

  • Password :

  • Tolong jalankan aplikasi menggunakan RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR dan matikan Antivirus


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  1. gan gimana cara menggunakan Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Pro nya , mohon bantuamya ???

  2. Adhitya Rangga Putra12 January 2014 at 05:29

    mau tanya ,apakah software ini bisa di gunakan di wlan tetapi kita sebagai user bukan admin wlan

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